Rye Harbour Newsletter was initially created
to generate mainly support for projects being
planned for the youth of Rye Harbour.
Both the Newsletter and website were produced
on a totally voluntary basis, any funds raised
from this site or from advertising within this
site and the Newsletter are ploughed straight
back into Rye Harbour Newsletter and Website
plus making up short falls in funding of the
The site and newsletter are produced to be as
informative as possible any and all information
within the site and newsletter was sourced via
permission from other sites or individuals, many
articles in both were written and submitted by
local residents and was deemed to be true and
accurate at the time of publishing, however
details do change from time to time which Rye
Harbour Newsletter cannot be held responsible
for, but if you notify me of any changes needed
I can update the information generally within
twenty four hours.
Thank you and supporting us throughout this
time, we achieved a considerable amount within
this time to the benefit of Rye Harbour Youth.